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Welcome to Community Resilience and Adaptation Funding Tool (CRAFT)!

The Community Resilience and Adaptation Funding Tool (CRAFT) is a funding application platform for disaster risk reduction funding programs with the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness. CRAFT is used to submit Expressions of Interest to disaster risk reduction funding programs, such as the Disaster Resilience and Innovation Funding (DRIF) Program, to manage all submissions, and for project management functions such as financial and progress reporting.

To use the tool, you will need a Business BCeID. If you do not have a Business BCeID, you can arrange an alternate submission method by contacting EMCR.DisasterMitigation@gov.bc.ca.

Apply for funding
Forgot your user ID or password?

If you have a Business BCeID account and would like to submit a request, please apply for funding. If you do not have a Business BCeID account, you can contact us at EMCR.DisasterMitigation@gov.bc.ca to arrange an alternate submission method.

EMCR Disaster Risk Reduction Funding Programs

EMCR provides funding programs that offer support to First Nations and local governments in B.C. to enhance their capacity to withstand and adapt to natural and climate-driven hazards.

Learn more >

Please note:

Contact Us

For disaster mitigation funding support, contact: EMCR.DisasterMitigation@gov.bc.ca